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Horvitz & Levy is a solutions-based firm focused on appellate success. We are distinguished by our commitment to responsive service and on-going innovation in the areas of civil appellate litigation, amicus curiae support, and trial strategy consultation.

Our firm history, honors and awards, and locations speak to our collaborative approach and commitment to serving clients as well as the outstanding legal resources we bring to bear.

We pride ourselves in producing good results for our clients. Below are selected examples of our clients’ recent victories on appeal. Click the links to read more details.

Quidel v. Superior Court (2020)

After grant of review by California Supreme Court, California Court of Appeal for a second time reversed trial court that had applied a rule of per se invalidity to exclusivity provisions in contracts between businesses

Borja v. Saxton (2020)

California Court of Appeal affirms favorable judgment for defense in personal injury action, rejecting plaintiff’s new trial bid

Handlers-Bryman v. El Pollo Loco (2020)

Horvitz & Levy secures stipulated reversal of multimillion dollar judgment and injunction restricting El Pollo Loco’s franchise operations

Hann v. Hallberg (2020)

The Supreme Court grants motion to dismiss review, reinstating a favorable Court of Appeal’s opinion that prevented a forced partnership buyout and established that living trusts may serve as partners under California law

Hardesty v. Sacramento County (2020)

Horvitz & Levy persuades Ninth Circuit to vacate $105 million verdict against Sacramento County in constitutional challenge to the County’s enforcement of mining regulations

Little Cottage Caregivers v. Meiri (2020)

California Court of Appeal reinstates ownership interest in a medical marijuana collective

Jarecki v. Zitter (2020)

Trial court grants post-trial relief in nuisance and trespass case, slashing damages by more than 70 percent

Riley v. Kernan (2020)

Ninth Circuit reinstates prisoner’s civil rights lawsuit on religious liberty grounds

Shia v. Shia (2020)

California Court of Appeal reverses spousal support award because trial court failed to consider domestic violence evidence

Newman v. Larios (2020)

California Court of Appeal affirms judgment based on insurer’s acceptance of plaintiff’s tactical settlement offer

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