Media & Insights
October 3, 2022
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The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has appointed Horvitz & Levy LLP partner Peder Batalden to be one of 24 appellate lawyer representatives to the court’s judicial conference. The Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference meets annually to discuss the business of the courts within the Ninth Circuit and to advise the court on improving the administration of justice within the circuit. Appellate lawyer representatives are chosen by the court to serve staggered three-year terms, during which they participate in meetings throughout the circuit, coordinate their activities with district lawyer representatives, and attend and participate in the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference. Mr. Batalden's term runs from January 2023 until December 2025.
Mr. Batalden is a co-author of the Rutter Group’s Ninth Circuit Civil Appellate Practice, the leading treatise on appellate and writ practice in the nation’s largest federal appeals court. He is the third Horvitz & Levy partner to serve as a lawyer representative to the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference. Jeremy Rosen and David Axelrad previously served in that capacity.